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About Macsumsuk

Macsumsuk is a kind of rare earth mineral that

radiates more than 90% of eco-friendly beneficial

far-infrared ray in a range of 8 to 10 µm

(micrometer), a bio-absorbable wavelength


Macsumsuk contains abundant natural minerals such as SiO2 (Silica), Al (aluminum) Ca (Calcium), Mg (Magnesium), Fe (Ferrous) and much more. Because of this, it is very beneficial to bio-activity. Refined macsumuk through sorting, firing, burning and grinding processes is used for medical products, medicine, beauty treatments and purification of water and air. Macsumuk has a strong anti-bacterial effect and is effective for pest control. Macsumuk vitalizes the cells, help promote the growth and development and boost immunity against diseases. Macsumuk is considered as a Bio-material with greater bio-absorption. Macsumuk is widely used in various industries. Elvan earth mineral was used in the ancient times directly for the human health as recorded in Dongeui Bogam and Boncho Gangmok. Therefore, although elvan has been used in wound healing and food storage, but its beneficial effect is not well documented. Today with the development of modern science, elvan was found to emits the greatest amount of far-infrared radiation than other minerals. However, for a mineral to omits beneficial far-infrared radiation to the human body, it should be between 8 to 10 µm. But the far-infrared emissivity of most minerals drop drastically in the human and organic compounds. Therefore, the wavelength range of most minerals don’t offer any beneficial effect to the human and organic compounds. For a mineral to omit a higher amount of far-infrared radiation, the mineral must contain a certain amount of amphibole. Macsumsuk developed by Macsumsuk GM is a natural mineral that contains such amphibole that allows it to emits high quality close to 10 µm even when the product contains very small amount of the Macsumsuk. Macsumsuk GM is a unique mineral that was patented in 1995. Macsumsuk name in Korean refers to Mac the mineral elvan), and gak sum suk (means amphibole in Korean). Macsumsuk GM is a unique mineral that is trademark and registered at the patent office in 1995. Macsumsuk GM emits a high quantity of far-infrared radiation within the organic compound’s wavelength range.  " I believe the development of Macsumsuk GM by Mr. Sung-Gun Kwak is a stroke of genius that have and will bring great benefits to human, animals and plants without harming the host or the environment. Beneficial far-infrared radiation is similar to the beneficial radiation of the sun during the early hours of the day or at sunset when the far-infrared rays of the sun is at a range close to 10 µm (Micrometer). This type of far-infrared radiation promotes cellular growth, energizes the body, eliminates toxins, improves blood circulation, benefits water and liquids by converting cations (positive charge),  and relieves pain. Old wisdom’s saying and science confirmed it that when you are sick or depressed to get your body exposed to early morning sun-rays. Macsumsuk GM an Eco-friendly vision to benefit but without harm. Macsumsuk’s wavelength within the beneficial range remains high within the organic compound while the mineral Elvan that is made-of actually drastically decreases which was confirmed at the Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science. ” Samer Kurait author of soon to be released book, "What You Do Not Eat Can Kill You"
Macsumuk GM is a Cutting edge Main Component in Products For Human, Livestock, Pets, Fish and Plants Macsumsuk GM pioneers an Eco-friendly Beneficial Far Infrared-ray from Earth Minerals
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